UltraMarathon Man: 50•50•50


Renowned endurance athlete and best selling author Dean Karnazes attempts to run 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days to raise awareness for youth obesity and to get America active.

SKU: JF1-UMM1-FLM Categories: , , , , ,


The inspirational film, UltraMarathon Man: 50 Marathons • 50 States • 50 Days, features renowned endurance athlete and best selling author Dean Karnazes in his attempt to run 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days to raise awareness for youth obesity and to get America active. A beautiful and epic journey across the United States, during which Dean pushes the limits of human endurance, inspiring thousands across the country to join him along the path while uniting people of all ages and abilities to take “the next step.”

Length: 110min.
Language: English
DVD and Blu-ray: Subtitles Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian
Streaming and Digital Subtitles: None
DVD Bonus Features: Deleted Scenes, Making-of Featurette, Daily Journals, Commentary and more!

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